ME 225 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

Professor Hussein Aluie

Office Hours

MWF 10:00 - 11:00 am, or by appointment

Hopeman 406

Teaching Assistants

Mary Kate Ginnane (Head TA)


Monday 11:30am-12:30 pm, MechE TA Lounge (2nd flr)

Elizabeth Diaz


Friday 4:00-5:00 pm, MechE TA Lounge (2nd flr)

Guanru Feng


Wednesday 4:00-5:00 pm, ITS

Rebeca (Edna) Toro


Monday 3:30-4:30 pm, MechE TA Lounge (2nd flr)

Rachel Olson


Friday 11:00-12:00 pm, Carlson Library’s Main floor

Fernando Suarez


Monday 7:00-8:00 pm, ITS

Rebecca Walton


Monday 1:15-2:15 pm, Carlson Library’s Main floor


This is an introductory course in Fluid Dynamics intended primarily for students majoring in Mechanical Engineering, usually taken during their junior year. It is cross listed as PHYS 255 for students majoring in Physics. It covers fundamental concepts, such as fluid properties; fluid statics; kinematics of moving fluids; the Bernoulli equation and applications; control volume analysis; differential analysis of fluid flow; inviscid flow, plane potential flow; viscous flow, the Navier-Stokes equation; dimensional analysis, similitude; empirical analysis of pipe flows; flow over immersed bodies, boundary layers, lift and drag.


Homework Problems

Homework 1, due Fri. Sept. 8

Homework 2, due Fri. Sept. 15

Homework 3, due Fri. Sept. 22

Homework 4, due Wed. Oct. 4

Homework 5, due Wed. Oct. 11

Homework 6, due Fri. Oct. 20

Homework 7, due Fri. Nov. 3

Homework 8, due Fri. Nov. 10

Homework 9, due Fri. Nov. 17

Homework 10, due Wed. Nov. 29

Homework 11, due Wed. Dec. 6

Homework 12, due Wed. Dec. 13

Exam Schedule

September 26 (Tuesday) @ 2pm

Dewey 1101

October 24 (Tuesday) @ 2pm

Dewey 1101

November 21 (Tuesday) @ 2pm

Dewey 1101


December 21 (Thursday) @ 8:30am

Dewey 1101